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Prometheus, Hesiod |
last update: 20230217 |
Aus: Geschichte der Schöpfung" "Ich (Neb-er tcher) bin der Schöpfer von dem, was ins Sein kam und ich selbst kam ins Sein unter der Form des Gottes Khepera und ich kam ins Sein zu Urzeiten. Ich kam in das Sein in der Form des Khepera und ich bin der Schöpfer von dem was ins Sein kam , so ist es zu sagen. Ich bildete mich selbst aus urzeitlicher Materie und ich machte und formte mich selbst aus Substanz , wie sie zu Urzeiten existierte , Mein Name ist AUSARES ( Osiris) , der die urzeitliche Materie des urzeitlichen Materie ist "
today with billion of galaxies discovered those contain uncountable suns and planets like ours we cant believe any more we are the first but even only civilisation or creation in the universe.
1.however life spreads through the universe it will create similar species everywhere
In the native american creation story the first human being that avoke after it had been created most interestingly asked " WHO AM I WHERE AM I?"
how can it ask where am i if it does not have something in its gen that tells him there are many other planets .
meanwhile after thousands of years with global catastrophies, when menkind was almost exstinguised we today still ask the same. where do we come from ? but more even
have you been satisfied with the story of Adam an eve an garden Eden with its appletree, presenting the good and the evil, and the devil in shape of a snake or do you think that is just metaphoric and stands for a much much bigger story? And if so why was it put into such a riddle, if not because it is just so big maybe too complicated to be understood as it requires a high grade of scientific and technical knowledge we needed to elaborate for ourselves first and have just reached today, to understand it. Among Scientists and science fiction authors however any contact of a highly intellectual scientific and technical civilisation to an obviously lower developed one is considered as problematic. In the star trek film "into darkness" the crew of the enterprise is when returning back to earth accused having made the naked inhabitants and hunters of a rather paradiselike extraterrestrial planet to witnesses of the start of the enterprise and of stoping a volcano eruption there. In the first case, when watching the start of the spacecraft they built an totem of enterprise out of wood or stone, they likely will regard as holy thing from heaven . In the same way they would worship someone who has the scientific knowledge do to things they cant understand as a god.
das Megalithenbauwerk von Baalbek (im heutigen Libanon) |
Während die Archäologen ganz überwiegend den Bau der Tempel von Baalbek in die römische Zeit verlegen, wissen arabische Legenden von den Geschehnissen um die „Feste auf dem Berg Libanon“, die bis zum mythologischen Beginn des Menschengeschlechts reichen.
„Die Feste auf dem Berg Libanon ist das älteste Gebäude der Welt. Kain, der Sohn Adams, erbaute sie im Jahr 133 der Schöpfung in einem Wahnsinnsanfall. Er gab ihr den Namen seines Sohnes Henoch und bevölkerte sie mit Riesen, die für ihre Frevelhaftigkeit mit der Sintflut bestraft wurden.“
Die Anlage ginge demnach auf Adam und Eva zurück, die nach der Vertreibung aus dem Paradies im Libanongebirge gelebt haben sollen. Noch heute wird Adams Grab in dem nicht weit von Baalbek entfernten Ort Zebdami gezeigt. Selbst Noah soll angeblich in der Umgebung von Baalbek beigesetzt sein. Nachdem Kain seinen Bruder Abel in einer Schlucht des Antilibanon-Gebirges erschlagen hatte, soll er nach einer weiteren Legende hier vor dem Zorn Gottes Zuflucht gesucht haben. Der Mönch Johannes Maro, vom Papst 680 n. Chr. zum Patriarchen des Libanons ernannt, überlieferte diese Sage. |
Einige dieser „Riesen“ überlebten wohl die Katastrophe, denn der biblische Nimrod soll sie zum Wiederaufbau der Anlage herangezogen haben, nachdem die Flut vorüber war. „Nach der Sintflut, als Nimrod über den Libanon herrschte, ließ er Riesen kommen, die Feste von Baalbek wieder aufzubauen, die so heißt zu Ehren Baals, des Gottes der Moabiter, welche den Sonnengott anbeteten.“ |
are these fragments in the bible and other cultural records just the technical phantasies ofv the stoneage 4000 B. C. those where declared as being holy ?. The most probable or lets rather say only logical explanation of all these prehistorical records is that a technical highly advanced civilisation once haD been on earth .
it will compare different myth from different parts of the world, those tell or claim the history of menkind. most interestingly - allthough some of the the related archeological findings had been understandable- sometimes also uncomplete, consisting out of fragments , the subcultural meeting of the entire world beginning in the 60th of the 20th century possible with communication and airtraffic has brought an enormous push forwards to understand these traditions and to uncover at least the myths of our real history, that - and this is sure was not only once interrupted by global destruction- catastrophies like floddings burried them deep under mood , until archeologist with dern technical devices could find them reacover them and dugged them out again.
And most interestingly- though some of these cultures had no contact with others over thousands of years , the context of their myth resp. their historical records, are not only very similar but also add to each other to a more complete story, what now allows to reconstruct these tellings tales or historical records, last not least- archeology became so fast today discovering one historical site after another that most people are unable to follow the new developments
are these fragments in the bible and other cultural records just the technical phantasies ofv the stoneage 4000 B. C. those where declared as being holy ?. The most probable or lets rather say only logical explanation of all these prehistorical records is that a technical highly advanced civilisation that once has been on earth.
it will compare different myth from different parts of the world, those tell or claim the history of menkind. most interestingly - allthough some of the the related archeological findings had been understandable- sometimes also uncomplete, consisting out of fragments , the subcultural meeting of the entire world beginning in the 60th of the 20th century possible with communication and airtraffic has brought an enormous push forwards to understand these traditions and to uncover at least the myths of our real history, that - and this is sure was not only once interrupted by global destruction- catastrophies like floddings burried them deep under mood , until archeologist with dern rtechnical devices could find them reacover them and dugged them out again.
And most interestingly- though some of these cultures had no contact with others over thousands of years , the context of their myth resp. their historical records, are not only very similar but also add to each other to a more complete story, what now allows to reconstruct these tellings tales or historical records, last not least- archeology became so fast today discovering one historical site after another that nmost people are unable to follow the new developments.
subject | Hopi | Maya | Greece | Egypt | Roman/Vatican | Indian | Northern | OTHER | Judaism | Babylon | Assyrien |
GODS AND KINGDOMS | Die Personifizierung *djeus ph2tēr „Vater Himmel“ findet sich wieder im griechischen Zeus Ζεῦ πάτερ (Zeu páter, Vok. zu Ζεῦς, Gen. Διός), dem römischen Jupiter (vom Vokativ *Dioupater zum Nominativ Diēspiter), dem vedischen Dyaus Pita und dem illyrischen Δει-πάτυρος (Dei-pátyros „himmlischer Vater“).[6] Alle diese Formen können auf die Wurzel *djew- zurückführen, das als „Erstrahlen, Erscheinen“ übersetzt wird. Dieses Wort liegt wiederum mit seiner Ableitung *deiwos dem altindischen deva und dem lateinischen deus als Begriffe für Gott zugrunde. in den tiefer gehenden griechischen und indischen Quellen heißt es das die ersten himmlischen Wesen aus einer urzeitlichen kosmischen Substanz entstanden sind, wozu wohl aber auch ein Konzept- also auch Wille- vorhanden sein muss. Die griechische Parabel von der Kastration des Uranos bei der noch aus jedem Blutstropfen neue Wesen entstanden soll demnach symbolisieren, dass es gar keinen Schöpfer braucht um alle möglichen Wesen zu erzeugen und das sich auch bewegende Wesen Menschen wie Tiere wie Gras oder Unkraut vermehren können, wenn nur die natürlichen Voraussetzungen dazu existieren und kommen damit jedeNn rein wissenschaftlichen Konzepten entgegen, die die Entstehung des Lebens Mikroorganismenn zuschreiben . Umgekehrt wenn Bakterien Jahrtausende z. B. auf Meteroriten durch das Weltall reisen können- wieso dann nicht auch komplexere Organismen usw. usf.??? |
CREATION | |||||||||||
comment | here is the first "singularity" all who learn just by own experience stumble upon. "what was first. the chicken or the egg?" we usually ask as long as we see that it needs a woman and a man that any child can be born. gentechnology gave us the vision of human embryos created "in vitro" in a glassern tube, allthough science might not be able jet to create a real human baby without a mother. this is why so many believe that god must bei either make or female But- what all great religions tell us is that a so called god - a heavently creature directly saying that came from heaven resp. universe has someway "created "us humans out of the unbelievable fertile substances he found on earth by knowledge without the help of a woman. In the bible the israelian god Jahwe created mand and woman due to his own image and also egypt creator even insists that he made man and woman just out of himself and swores there was no woman who bared them,.In the hopi and maya myth a group of heavently constructors systematically constructed human beings in any type of vessel "covered with a veil " out of a universal biological substances they found on earth, |
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THE FOUR WORLDS | |||||||||||