WELT VULKAN KARTEN/ REGION: AFRIKA UND ARABISCHE HALBINSEL ( zusätzlich geplant. antike Stätten)WORLD VOLCANO MAP/ REGION: AFRICA AND ARABIC PENINSULA ( planned also with ancient sites)please be patient... this page with its large map needs some time to load.. |
other regional maps: (click on the small images)
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maintainance for new appearance -COMPLETED /last update: 20230206 |
FEATURES:> high resolution maps with all known volcanoesworlswide divided into regional maps > complete list with links to the US Smnithsonian database with basic information and activity reports. click on the volcano name in the column titled GOOGLE EARTH". The link will offer you an executable kmz. download file based on GPS data. right click and open it with Google Earth. The program will start and navigate you automatically in the fly modus to the volcano site . if you worry about virus: you c an always check any file -just right click and scan iit with your antivirus program. The feature requires the installation of the programm Google Earth. > webcams (must be updated links oftenly change) other features such as famous ancient sites might be implemented or follow |
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